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The foundation of our service and leadership is embedded in our four values: Spirit, Discipline, Purpose and Pride.

Hands high fiving yellow overlay

Spirit – Applying the right energy for service and having a positive can-do attitude. You are not afraid to try something new and exciting. You bring joy, enthusiasm, and passion to your service.

City Year service leaders teal overlay

Discipline – Being an excellent example of City Year’s powerful standards. You focus on the task at hand, you know what is important and how to tap into your self-discipline to complete the task.


Service leader with student orange overlay

Purpose – Persisting in the face of challenges and seeing them as opportunities to learn. You have an idea that what you do every day is part of a larger movement of positive change and you remain committed to your reasons for joining City Year.

Red City Year jacket

Pride – Being a role model who gets others involved and invested in our work. You are valuable and you have incredible power to make a difference through service, so lift your head high, be optimistic and take pride in serving a cause greater than self.

City Year South Africa service leaders doing jumping jacks during PT (physical training)
The power of civic participation

City Year has experienced the tremendous power of civic participation from people like you taking action. When we come together as community, we remind ourselves through physical training the importance of demonstrating Spirit, Discipline, Purpose and Pride in our service.

Read about our unique ServeToWork approach.

Two City Year staff members next to a service leader holding an award onstage
Values awards at graduation

We expect and encourage these values to continue beyond service and physical training and into your daily life. Each year at graduation, we celebrate service leaders who have exemplified each of these values.

You and your peers will nominate and vote for outstanding service leaders that demonstrate these four values throughout the year.

Learn more about the City Year experience.

Staff member with his arm around a service leader holding an award onstage
Partner with us

Each year, our partners sponsor our values awards.

Learn more about other opportunities to partner with us.

Service Partners
  • Sekwati primary school logo
  • Tshilidzi Primary school logo
  • Zola Higher Primary School logo
  • Paul Mosaka primary school logo
  • Lyndhurst primary school logo
  • Mikateka logo
  • Rebonwe Primary School logo
Amathuba Partners
  • Camp Sizanani logo
  • Phakamani young minds logo
  • WestRand Youth Development logo
  • Timberland South Africa Logo
  • Aggatu logo